pp108 : Generating Standard Web Service Operations on a Database

Generating Standard Web Service Operations on a Database

This topic describes the procedure to generate standard Web service operations on a database.

Before you begin this task:

  • WS-AppServer service must be configured and should be available as the metadata service.
  • Database Metadata must be created on the metadata service

This option helps you to generate standard Web service operations directly upon the database tables. This option is useful when you need standard Web service operations to perform certain functions on the database tables, without applying any custom logic. All you need is to create a Database Metadata that internally uses a metadata service, and generate Web service operations using it.

Alternatively, you can generate Web service operations directly on a Database Metadata. Both these ways result in a similar output.

  1. Select a starting point and click to create a Web Service. The Web Service Wizard appears.
  2. Provide the necessary details to generate the Web service operations on a Database.
    Note: You need to enter details on couple of pages. Click Next to proceed to the subsequent page and continue until you complete entering information on the wizard.
  3. Click Finish on the wizard. The Web Service Generation Wizard closes.

    The Web service containing the Web service interface and Web service operations is generated and placed under the specified project/folder.

After you complete this task:
You must publish the generated Web service and its contents to the organization. For use at run time, attach the Web service interface to the WS-AppServer Service.

Related tasks

Generating Custom Web Service Operations on Database Details
Generating Web Service Operations on a Database Metadata
Generating Web Service Operations on a WS-AppServer Package
Generating Web Service Operations on Custom Logic
Generating Web Service Operations on Java Classes
Updating Web Services
Testing Web Service Operations
Viewing the WSDL of a Web Service Operation

Related reference

Exploring Web Service and its Child Entities
Generate Web Service Operations on Database Metadata - Wizard Interface